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“On December 6th I received a call from my Nurse Practitioner who told me that they found a cyst the size of a lemon on my right ovary. I have suffered from stage 4 endometriosis for many many years. I have had three surgeries so far and I was adamant about doing everything I could to prevent another surgery.

I immediately called Rachel and started doing healing sessions with her. I was anxious and fearful; I couldn’t believe it was possible to shrink the cyst. I relied on Rachel’s trust and her amazing gift to guide me towards seeing my own inner light.

After about 6 sessions with Rachel (and many hours of daily meditation, visualization and other things), I got another call on January 2nd from my NP. After reviewing my MRI, she told me that the cyst shrunk from 8cm to 2.5cm.

I am forever grateful for Rachel and her amazing gift. I have healed so much more than just the cyst. I have learned where my fear resides, I have learned to surrender and have become much more confident in my ability to heal myself.

Forever grateful,
British Columbia”