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Learn to follow your Inner Guidance

Learn to follow your Inner Guidance

Learn to follow your Inner Guidance

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In order to learn to follow our inner guidance, the voice of our higher selves, we first need to understand that there are two voices within us.

One voice says things like “you’re lazy” or “you need to get it together” or “you’re not successful enough, smart enough, beautiful enough” or “you need to do more, accomplish more” or “hurry, move faster, get more done”. This same voice also feeds us messages of fear, worry, impatience and judgement. This is the voice of the ego. The ego is a fear-based aspect of self. It is not your authentic self.

The other voice is softer, gentler, more patient, loving and encouraging. This is the voice of our authenticity, our souls. Our souls will never lead astray. Our souls know why we’re here on the planet, what our purpose is. Our souls also understand how to bring us humans into alignment with our desires.

Sometimes it is hard to hear this voice because the ego is loud and incessant. It can also be hard to hear our inner guidance because we’ve allowed the ego to be in charge and hold the reigns for so long.

In this video, you’ll learn to discern between these two voices. I’ll also share tips on how to strengthen your ability to hear, trust and follow your inner guidance.

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